Freeland Southard

I see similarities in the characteristics and attributes of materials to personalities and traits of people. The integration of different materials provides a challenge and a metaphor with each intersection. These are my efforts acting as a conductor or facilitator working to integrate the materials and their potential to build the conversation between them. I enjoy seeing materials going beyond the convention of prescribed boundaries and expectations, much as I do with people. I balance the work on revealing the natural and manicured qualities of the materials. Transparency in the arrangement of these materials conveys the sincerity to the narration in the work.
I do this in furniture, as it makes sense to make work inspired by people, for people to incorporate and use in their environment.
This work is inspired by people and groups that work together with good communication and cooperative spirit. I believe that is the place where potential is revealed and innovation is found. Also, I like root beer.
Freeland S. Southard